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Cups (When I'm Gone) by Anna Kendrick
Hello by Adele
Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars
Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi

Bonus Balladendiplom


\version "2.20.0"
\header {
  subtitles="My December (Linking Park)"
%Diskant- bzw. Melodiesaiten
myDiskant = {
  d8  d' a f'   d d' a f' | % 1 
  c8  c' g e'   c c' g e' | % 1 
  d8  d' a f'   d d' a f' | % 1 
  c8  c' g e'   c c' g e' | % 1 
%Basssaiten, die hier nur mit dem Daumen gespielt werden.
myBass = {
  d4 a d a
  c4 g  c g
  d4 a d a
  c4 g  c g 
% Layout- bzw. Bildausgabe
\score {
    \new ChordNames {
      \chordmode {
       d1:m c d1:m c
      \new Staff  <<
        \tempo 4 = 120
        %Tempo ausblenden
        \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
        \time 4/4
        \key c \major
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (nylon)"
        \clef "G_8" \repeat volta 4
        % Balken nur über viertel Noten,  nicht über halbe Noten
        \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
        \set Timing.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/4)
        \set Timing.beatStructure = #'(1 1 1 1)
        % Noten im Diskant
        % Noten im Bass - beachte: Wiederholungszeichen ist für Midi notwendig!
        \repeat volta 4
    % Tabulatur
    \new TabStaff {
      \tabFullNotation \repeat volta 4
        % Tabulatur im Diskant
        % Tabulatur im Bass
  \layout {}
% Midiausgabe mit Wiederholungen, ohne Akkorde
\score {
    \unfoldRepeats {
      \new Staff  <<
        \tempo 4 = 120
        \time 4/4
        \key c \major
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (nylon)"
        \clef "G_8" \repeat volta 4
        \repeat volta 4
  \midi {}
% unterdrückt im raw="!"-Modus das DinA4-Format.
\paper {
  % DinA4 0 210mm - 10mm Rand - 20mm Lochrand = 180mm
  % bookTitleMarkup=##f

Tom Dooley to Tabs


\version "2.20.0"
\header {
 title = "Tom Dooley"
 % subtitle = "MeinSubtitle"
 % poet = "Texter"
 composer = "trad."
 % arranger = "arr: ccbysa: Wikibooks (mjchael)"

myKey = {
  \clef "treble"
  \time 4/4
  \tempo 4 = 100
  %%Tempo ausblenden
  \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
  \key g\major

%% Akkorde
%% 4/4-Schlag 
%% 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 .
myG  = \chordmode { g,,4 g,8 4 8 4 }
myGAm = \chordmode { g,,4 g,8 a,4:m a,8:m a,4:m}
myD  = \chordmode { d,4 d8 4 8 4 }
myDsept  = \chordmode { d,4:7 d8:7 d4:7 d8:7 d4:7 }
myAm  = \chordmode { a,,4:m a,8:m a,4:m a,8:m a,4:m }

myChords = \chordmode {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (nylon)"
  %% Akkorde nur beim Wechsel notieren
  \set chordChanges = ##t
  % \partial 4 s4
  \myG \myG  \myGAm \myD
  \myAm \myD \myDsept \myG 
  g,,1 %Schlusston

myMelody = \relative c'' {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"trombone"
  \relative c'{ 
    d8 d8( d8) 8 e g4. | b4. b8( b2)|
    d,8 d8~ d8 8 e g4. | a1 |
    d,8 8~ 8 e4 g4. | a4. a8~ a2|
    a8 a8~ a8 b8 a4 e4 | g1
    \bar "|."

myLyrics = \lyricmode {

  \set stanza = "1."
    Hang down your head, Tom Doo -- ley.  
    Hang down your head and cry
    Killed poor Lau -- ra Fos -- ter. 
    You know you're bound to die.


\score {

    \new ChordNames { \myChords }
    \new Voice = "mySong" { \myMelody }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "mySong" { \myLyrics }
  % \new TabStaff { \myChords } %% Check 
  \midi { }
  \layout { }

%% unterdrückt im raw="1"-Modus das DinA4-Format.
\paper {
  %% DinA4 0 210mm - 10mm Rand - 20mm Lochrand = 180mm
  % bookTitleMarkup=##f

Von G nach C


\version "2.20.0"
\header {
 title = "Tom Dooley"
 % subtitle = "MeinSubtitle"
 % poet = "Texter"
 composer = "trad."
 % arranger = "arr: ccbysa: Wikibooks (mjchael)"

myKey = {
  \clef "treble"
  \time 4/4
  \tempo 4 = 100
  %%Tempo ausblenden
  \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
  \key c\major

%% Akkorde
%% Lagerfeuer-Schlag 
%% 1 . 2 + . + 4 .
myC  = \chordmode { c,4 c8 4 8 4 }
myCDm = \chordmode { c,4 c8 d4:m d8:m d4:m}
myG  = \chordmode { g,,4 g,8 4 8 4 }
myGsept  = \chordmode { g,,4:7 g,8:7 g,4:7 g,8:7 g,4:7 }
myDm  = \chordmode { d,4:m d8:m d4:m d8:m d4:m }

myChords = \chordmode {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (nylon)"
  %% Akkorde nur beim Wechsel notieren
  \set chordChanges = ##t
  % \partial 4 s4
  \myC \myC  \myCDm \myG
  \myDm \myG \myGsept \myC 
  c,1 %Schlusston

myMelody = \relative c'' {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"trombone"
  g8 g8( g8) 8 a c4. | e4. e8( e2)|
  g,8 g8~ g8 8 a c4. | d1 |
  g,8 8~ 8 a4 c4. | d4. d8~ d2|
  d8 d8~ d8 e8 d4 a4 | c1
  \bar "|." 

myLyrics = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "1."
  Hang down your head, Tom Doo -- ley.  
  Hang down your head and cry
  Killed poor Lau -- ra Fos -- ter. 
  You know you're bound to die.

\score {
    \new ChordNames { \myChords }
    \new Voice = "mySong" { \myMelody }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "mySong" { \myLyrics }
    % \new TabStaff { \myChords } %% Check 
  \midi { }
  \layout { }

%% unterdrückt im raw="1"-Modus das DinA4-Format.
\paper {
  %% DinA4 0 210mm - 10mm Rand - 20mm Lochrand = 180mm
  % bookTitleMarkup=##f

Von G nach C in den Bass


\version "2.20.0"
\header {
 title = "Tom Dooley"
 % subtitle = "MeinSubtitle"
 % poet = "Texter"
 composer = "trad."
 % arranger = "arr: ccbysa: Wikibooks (mjchael)"

myKey = {
  \clef "treble"
  \time 4/4
  \tempo 4 = 100
  %%Tempo ausblenden
  \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
  \key c\major

%% Akkorde
%% Lagerfeuer-Schlag 
%% 1 . 2 + . + 4 .
myC  = \chordmode { c,4 c8 4 8 4 }
myCDm = \chordmode { c,4 c8 d4:m d8:m d4:m}
myG  = \chordmode { g,,4 g,8 4 8 4 }
myGsept  = \chordmode { g,,4:7 g,8:7 g,4:7 g,8:7 g,4:7 }
myDm  = \chordmode { d,4:m d8:m d4:m d8:m d4:m }

myChords = \chordmode {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (nylon)"
  %% Akkorde nur beim Wechsel notieren
  \set chordChanges = ##t
  % \partial 4 s4
  \myC \myC  \myCDm \myG
  \myDm \myG \myGsept \myC 
  c,1 %Schlusston

myMelody = \relative c' {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"trombone"
  g8 g8( g8) 8 a c4. | e4. e8( e2)|
  g,8 g8~ g8 8 a c4. | d1 |
  g,8 8~ 8 a4 c4. | d4. d8~ d2|
  d8 d8~ d8 e8 d4 a4 | c1
  \bar "|." 

myLyrics = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "1."
  Hang down your head, Tom Doo -- ley.  
  Hang down your head and cry
  Killed poor Lau -- ra Fos -- ter. 
  You know you're bound to die.

\score {
    \new ChordNames { \myChords }
    \new Voice = "mySong" { \myMelody }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "mySong" { \myLyrics }
    % \new TabStaff { \myChords } %% Check 
  \midi { }
  \layout { }

%% unterdrückt im raw="1"-Modus das DinA4-Format.
\paper {
  %% DinA4 0 210mm - 10mm Rand - 20mm Lochrand = 180mm
  % bookTitleMarkup=##f

bon G nach D


\version "2.20.0"
\header {
 title = "Tom Dooley"
 % subtitle = "MeinSubtitle"
 % poet = "Texter"
 composer = "trad."
 % arranger = "arr: ccbysa: Wikibooks (mjchael)"

myKey = {
  \clef "treble"
  \time 4/4
  \tempo 4 = 100
  %%Tempo ausblenden
  \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
  \key g\major

%% Akkorde
%% 4/4-Schlag 
%% 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 .
myG  = \chordmode { g,,4 g,8 4 8 4 }
myGAm = \chordmode { g,,4 g,8 a,4:m a,8:m a,4:m}
myD  = \chordmode { d,4 d8 4 8 4 }
myDsept  = \chordmode { d,4:7 d8:7 d4:7 d8:7 d4:7 }
myAm  = \chordmode { a,,4:m a,8:m a,4:m a,8:m a,4:m }

myChords = \chordmode {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (nylon)"
  %% Akkorde nur beim Wechsel notieren
  \set chordChanges = ##t
  % \partial 4 s4
  \myG \myG  \myGAm \myD
  \myAm \myD \myDsept \myG 
  g,,1 %Schlusston

myMelody = \relative c'' {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"trombone"
  \relative c'{ 
    d8 d8( d8) 8 e g4. | b4. b8( b2)|
    d,8 d8~ d8 8 e g4. | a1 |
    d,8 8~ 8 e4 g4. | a4. a8~ a2|
    a8 a8~ a8 b8 a4 e4 | g1
    \bar "|."

myLyrics = \lyricmode {

  \set stanza = "1."
    Hang down your head, Tom Doo -- ley.  
    Hang down your head and cry
    Killed poor Lau -- ra Fos -- ter. 
    You know you're bound to die.


\score {

    \new ChordNames { \myChords }
    \new Voice = "mySong" { \myMelody }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "mySong" { \myLyrics }
  % \new TabStaff { \myChords } %% Check 
  \midi { }
  \layout { }

%% unterdrückt im raw="1"-Modus das DinA4-Format.
\paper {
  %% DinA4 0 210mm - 10mm Rand - 20mm Lochrand = 180mm
  % bookTitleMarkup=##f

Yes Sir That's my Baby

Charleston (1924) Text: Gus Kahn (*1886 - † 1941) Melodie: Walter Donaldson (*1893 - † 1947) bearbeitet von Mjchael 

Der Protagonist (Mann oder Frau) bestätigt den Gesprächspartnern, nun verlobt zu sein, und läd diese zur Hochzeit ein.

[C] Who's that coming down the [C#dim] street,
[G] who's that looking so petite
[G7] Who's that coming down to meet me [C] here. [Dm7] [G7]

[C] Who's that - you know who I [C#dim] mean?
[G7] Sweetest 'who' you've ever seen
[D7] I [Am7] could [D7] tell [Am7] her
[D7] miles [Am7] a-[D7]way from [G7] here. [Em] [B7] [G7]

[C] Yes, sir, that's my [C#dim] baby,
[G] no, sir, I don't mean maybe
[G7] Yes, sir, that's my baby [C] now. [G7]

[C] Yes, ma'am we've de-[C#dim]cided,
[G] no, ma'am we won't hide it
[G7] Yes ma'am you're invited [C] now.

By the [C7] way, by the [F] way,
when we [D7] reach the preacher I'll [G7] say [G7+5]

[C] Yes, sir, that's my [C#dim] baby,
[G] no, sir, I don't mean maybe
[G7] Yes, sir, that's my baby [C] now.

[C] Well well, 'lookit' that [C#dim] baby,
[G] Do tell, don't say "maybe",
[G7] Hell's bells, won't she cause some [C] row?

Pretty [C7] soon, Pretty [F] soon,
We will [D7] hear that Lohengrin [G7] tune, (I'm sayin')[G7+5]

[C] Who for should she [C#dim] be sir,
[G] No one else but me sir,
[G7] Yes sir, That's my Baby [C] now. [C7]

[C] Yes sir, that's my [C#dim] Baby
[G] Yes sir, I don't mean maybe,
[G7] Yes sir, That's my Baby [C] now

Yes Sir, That's My Baby (Var2)


[C] Yes [Am] sir, [C] that's my [Am] baby
[G7] No [Dm] sir, [G7] don't be [Dm] maybe
[G7] Yes [Am] sir, [G7] that's my [Dm] baby [C] now [G7]

[C] Yes [Am] ma'am, [C] we've de[Am]cided
[G7] No [Dm] ma'am, [G7] we won't [Dm] hide it
[G7] Yes [Am] ma'am, [G7] that's my [Dm] baby [C] now

By the way, [C7] by the [F] way
When we [D7] meet that preacher
I'll [G7] say with [G7sus2] feel[G7]ing

[C] Yes [Am] sir, [C] that's my [Am] baby
[G7] No [Dm] sir, [G7] don't be [Dm] maybe

[G7] Yes [Am] sir, [G7] that's my [Dm] baby [C] now.

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