Unbounded sequences diverge – Serlo

In this chapter we will see that unbounded sequences must diverge. From this we can follow that convergent sequences must be bounded.

Unbounded sequences diverge


In the chapter „Konvergenz und Divergenz beweisen“ we have already seen that the sequence   diverges. We used the property that the sequence grows beyond any boundary. That is to say if we have   fixed, then there exists   with  . Also for all   with   we have   and thus


Infinitely many members   lie outside of the  -neighbourhood  . Therefore   cannot converge towards  . If that were the case almost all members   would have to be contained inside  , which is not the case. Because   was chosen arbitrary, the sequence   cannot have a limit and is therefore divergent.

We can extend this argument to any sequence that is unbounded, since we only used the property that   becomes arbitrary large. Remember the definition of an unbounded sequence:

A sequence   is unbounded, if for all   there are infinitely many members   with  .

We can use this property to prove the following theorem:

Theorem (Unbounded sequences diverge)

Let   be an unbounded sequence. Then the sequence   is divergent.

With this theorem we can prove that a sequence is divergent. If we can show that a sequences is unbounded, this immediately implies that it is divergent.

How to get to the proof? (Unbounded sequences diverge)

As in the argument from above we choose   arbitrary and show that the unbounded sequence   cannot converge towards  . For this we show that   is bigger than a certain   for infinitely many  . We must find a lower bound of  . Here we can use the inverted triangle inequality:


We know that infinitely many   are larger than any fixed bound  , since   is unbounded. We set  . Now we can proceed as we did in the example above with  :


From   it follows that   is not contained in the  -neighbourhood of  . But this means that   cannot be the limit of  , which is precisely what we wanted to prove.

Proof (Unbounded sequences diverge)

Let   be an unbounded sequence. Let   be arbitrary. Since   is unbounded, there are infinitely many   with  . For this members it follows:


These infinitely many members   are outside of the interval  . Hence   cannot converge to  . Because the choice of   was arbitrary,   must diverge.

Example (Geometric progression)

A generalisation of the introductory example: For   the geometric progression   diverges. From the Folgerungen aus der Bernoulli-Ungleichung for every   there are infinitely many   with  . So   is unbounded and consequently divergent.

Convergent sequences are bounded


Proof by contraposition


The above theorem tells us that unbounded sequences are divergent. With the aid of logical contraposition, we can follow that convergent sequences must be bounded. The principle of contraposition is:


The theorem is the following implication


Using contraposition we obtain the equivalent statement:


But this means that


If you are not sure that contraposition works just make the truth table of   and compare it to that of  . As an example: "If it rains ( ), the ground is wet ( )." The contraposition is: "If the gound is not wet ( ), it doesn't rain ( )." This two statements are logically equivalent.

So by contraposition the following theorem is true, which we will need to prove further results later on:

Theorem (Convergent sequences are bounded)

Every convergent sequence is bounded. Thus if a sequence   is convergent, then there exists   with   for all  .


The converse of the above statement is not true. This means: A bounded sequence must not be convergent. And a divergent sequence must not be unbounded.

As a counterexample consider  . This sequences is bounded, but not convergent.

Alternative direct proof


We also want to show an alternative, direct way of proving that a convergent sequences is bounded. This proof is often given in other textbooks. It shows how one can use the  -definition of the limit in a proof.

Proof (Convergent sequences are bounded)

Let   be a convergent sequence. Then there must be an  , so that for all   there exists an index   with   for all   (this is the  -definition of the limit).

We fixate   (we could have chosen any other  ). Now there exists an index  , so that   for all  . All the members following   are contained inside the  -neighbourhood  . Thus all members starting from   must be smaller than  :


Before   there are only finitely many members, so there is a maximum  . So now we have:


Altogether the elements of the sequences are bounded above by the maximum of   and  , so the sequences is bounded. Analogous we can show that the sequences is bounded below. Therefore the sequence   is bounded.