CAOS-Programmierung: Beispiele: Schleifen
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Beispiel einer einfachen Schleife und doif abfrage
* Erzeugt mit kaos-compiler-alpha.01 SETV VA00 99 LOOP OUTS "\n" DOIF VA00 EQ 1 OUTS "One bottle of beer on the wall,\n" OUTS "One bottle of beer...\n" OUTS "Take it down, pass it around,\n" OUTS "No bottles of beer on the wall!\n" ELSE OUTV VA00 OUTS " bottles of beer on the wall,\n" OUTV VA00 OUTS " bottles of beer...\n" OUTS "Take it down, pass it around,\n" DOIF VA00 GT 2 SETV VA01 VA00 SUBV VA01 1 OUTV VA01 OUTS " bottles of beer on the wall!\n" ELSE OUTS "One bottle of beer on the wall!\n" ENDI ENDI SUBV VA00 1 UNTL VA00 EQ 0 OUTS "No more bottles of beer on the wall :(\n" RSCR
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