I don't have a girlfriend currently so I try to find one by using the wonderful website of 1Live. But I‘m not very successful. Well, what can I do to be more successful? Once a girl told me I should forget about physics and start a real life. But we‘ve been knowing since Schrödinger that life is not real – it‘s complex. And I don't like to listen to girls. That‘s why I try to get a girl using physics. I just realized that messages are more likely to be replied if they are short. Maybe there is an ideal length of a message?! Well, essentially I‘m making fun of myself doing this and also of physics, but that‘s good cause physics should be funny as many physicists think though some really good physicists disagree with this. So I note the number of characters I used in a message I sent with S xyz. If I receive a message I will note it with R xyz whereas xyz is number of letters in the message I sent (not the number of characters the girl used to reply to me).

Here we go:

S 34
S 937
S 866
S 882
S 729
S 304
S 1000
S 133
S 180
S 274
S 174
S 207
R 174
R 274
R 133
R 180
S 484
S 292
S 564
S 285
S 289
S 167
S 167
S 258
S 180
S 206
S 311
S 140

  You can clearly see that it is good to send short messages and bad to send long ones but we haven‘t got enough statistics for messages containing about 500 letters yet.