highlighting-kate Bearbeiten

Highlighting of sourcecodes in unix. Only way I found that supports unicode.

parsec Bearbeiten

Parsing library. Needed for parsing of medaiwiki. Since I could prove that BNF does not exists, regex and BNF bases parsing libraries are ruled out.

HTTP Bearbeiten

Network.HTTP.Base is needed since WikiLinkHelper.hs needs urlEncode. This is needed since url need to be problerly escaped.

regex-compat Bearbeiten

is needed in wikihelper.hs need to do mathTransform. So escaping of mathematical exquations. But posibly you can get by using replace2.

split Bearbeiten

Spliting of Strings into list by delimiter, very often used

utility-ht Bearbeiten

In Tools.hs for the trim and rtrim functions.

transformers Bearbeiten

Monad transformers. I think I quite often use stateT State st. That means I am working with one set of regesters and then switch on an extended set for a few lines of code. But it is hard to explain to someone who is not into haskell.

blaze-html Bearbeiten

I don't know why this is needed.

mtl Bearbeiten

Monad transformers again. See transformers.

regex-pcre-builtin Bearbeiten

I don't know why this is needed.

containers Bearbeiten

Data.Map . Maps are needed everywhere.

network Bearbeiten

Network.URI unEscapeString in pa.hs unEsc. Pasring http documents. Urls need to be unescaped.

MissingH Bearbeiten

Data.List.Utils is used in pa. But I don't know for what.

base Bearbeiten

haskell bases. Always needed

url Bearbeiten

importURL in urlanalyse.hs

hxt-http Bearbeiten

does not seem to be needed anymore. Only commend in urlanalyze.hs

hxt Bearbeiten

XML Parser. readString of Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.ReadDocument in urlAnalyze.hs. MediaWiki Special:Export return an XML docuemnt that needs to be parsed.

utf8-string Bearbeiten

decodeString in Urlanlyse.hs of Codec.Binary.UTF8.String. utf8 String decoding